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Open Call for Self-Nominations to the ARLIS/NA New York Executive Board

29 Jun 2021 2:29 PM | Matthew Garklavs


The Nominating Committee for the 2022 ARLIS/NA New York Chapter’s Executive Board would like to invite you to self-nominate for an open Executive Board position. Serving on the ARLIS/NA New York Chapter’s Executive Board is a great way to get more involved with the chapter and the national organization, gain leadership experience, network with fellow art information professionals, and build your resume. 

We are currently looking to fill the following positions:

  • Vice Chair/Chair-Elect 
  • Treasurer 
  • Membership Coordinator
  • Chapter Mentoring Liaison
  • Student/Early Professional Liaison
  • Social Media Coordinator

To learn more about the responsibilities of each position, please read the descriptions below. Membership in both the New York Chapter and ARLIS/NA are required to serve on the Board. Board terms begin on January 1, 2022. 

If you are not currently a member of ARLIS/NA or the New York chapter, we still encourage you to apply. The ARLIS/NA New York Executive Board will sponsor selected candidates who are not yet members or are currently a student or unemployed by covering the cost of ARLIS/NA and ARLIS/NA New York dues. If financial hardship is preventing you from joining ARLIS/NA and applying for the Executive Board, please let us know when you apply so that we can work with you. 

You can read about the history of the New York chapter and see who is currently serving on the Executive Board on our website. If you have questions about a specific position, we encourage you to reach out to the existing person in that position or Giana Ricci, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, at giana.ricci@nyu.edu

To nominate yourself for a position on the Executive Board, please email your CV and a short statement of interest (200 words or less) to giana.ricci@nyu.edu by September 15th, 2021. 

Thank you for your time, and we hope to hear from you! 


The Nominating Committee for the 2022 ARLIS/NA New York Chapter Executive Board

Giana Ricci, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, ARLIS/NA New York
Lori Salmon, Institute of Fine Arts Library, New York University
Sumitra Duncan, Frick Art Reference Library 

Open Position Descriptions:

The Vice-Chairperson/Chairperson-Elect   

The Vice-Chairperson/Chairperson-Elect (VC-CE) is a one-year term with a three-year commitment (after one year, they succeed as Chairperson, and then Past Chairperson). The VC-CE acts as the chief executive officer in the event the Chairperson is unable to serve, assists the Chairperson in the preparation of meetings, assembles and serves as chair of the nominating committee for the following year’s Board and the Celine Palatsky travel award committee. The VC/CE is responsible for reviewing the Chapter By-laws and other documents, checking for consistency. They also update and post the roster of Executive Board members since 1973. 


The Treasurer is a two-year term and is responsible for handling all financial accounts of the chapter. The Treasurer disburses funds as directed by the Executive Board and receives the membership dues from the Membership Coordinator. The Treasurer reads a financial report at each Executive Board meeting and files a summary report on finances at the end of the year. They provide proof of yearly tax payment at close of fiscal year to ARLIS/NA and may also exhibit the books and accounts to any member of the society upon request.

Membership Coordinator (Member-at-Large)

The Membership Coordinator is a two-year term. The Membership Coordinator maintains the ARLIS/NA New York membership database.They receive and process individual membership applications and renewals, answer membership inquiries, confirm receipt of payment, forward dues payments by check to the Treasurer. The Membership Coordinator drafts messages for current and potential ARLIS/NA New York members, which are posted on ARLIS/NY-L, sent to area library and information science schools, and other contacts as necessary. They also provide quarterly reports on membership statistics, including the number of current members and breakdown of membership types.

Social Media Coordinator  

The Social Media Coordinator develops innovative and creative media content across social media platforms, proposes a creative strategy in collaboration with executive Board members, and creates and maintains relevant social media accounts. They set up routine tasks and activities for all social media outlets, all while keeping track of social media trends and innovations. They deliver reports at Board meetings with statistics and results for each account. The Social Media Coordinator may serve for a maximum of five consecutive years.    

Student/Early Professional Liaison

The Student/Early Professional Liaison is dedicated to providing support to students and emerging professionals in art librarianship. The Liaison helps to build networking and professional development opportunities, through happy hour events, tours, and workshops. The Student/Early Professional Liaison may serve for a maximum of five consecutive years.   

Chapter Mentoring Liaison

The Chapter Mentoring Liaison oversees all aspects of the Chapter’s Mentoring Program: recruiting and matching mentees and mentors, providing readings, handouts, and other tips and recommendations. They also periodically check in with mentees and mentors, providing advice, ensuring that the program is successful for the participants. The Chapter Mentoring Liaison may serve for a maximum of five consecutive years.  

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